Through the Eyes of Rain


Rain hurries down, natures life set still…
Rushing through wetness to remain on a hill.

Seeing tranquility on the coolness of aqua falls…
Wishing to be fully in and consume it alls.

Toy in viewing, fulfillment in contemplation…
How does one flirt so close to the edge of annihilation.

Drop of nature hinting on your nose…
Prism reality, unveiling rainbow grows.

Stop, look, feel, cross the bellowing whelm of now…
The changing color scenes that confuse, we don’t know how.

It’s “coo” not fully knowing, be curious, want to care…
The open mind can see when there’s stimuli everywhere!

Rain drops alter comfortable, undeterred scene…
Do we really appreciate life gifts, and the changing journey of what it may really mean?

Trickling sound codes produced by rain for it’s purpose task…
Replenishing life and letting the mind see at last.

For clarifying thoughts and feelings, stays you sane…
Listen around you, visualize , Through the Eyes of Rain.

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